domingo, 26 de maio de 2013


UM DIA EU VOU CONSEGUIR UNIR ESSAS PESSOAS , VOU TRANSFORMAR A SUA VIDA EM UM INFERNO E A NOSSA EM UM PARAÍSO ! NEW ALBUM " A NOVA ORDEM MARGINAL" CLICK IT ! NOW ! FOTHO BY Matias Maximiliano - - SIXTH WORK LAUNCHED BY RAPPER CREATES THE LARGEST SLUM IN LATIN AMERICA The ROCINHA, COME ENTITLED TO "THE NEW ORDER MARGINAL" BECAUSE OF BEING A CRY OF FREEDOM contradicting TECHNICAL MASONS AND ILUMINATT'S IN THEIR LANGUAGES SUBLIMINAL, WEELF COMES WITH PORTUGUESE COURSE YOUR NEXT MAY UNDERSTAND THE MESSAGE, THE aLBUM COMES WITH THE PURPOSE OF ALL THE PEOPLE TOGETHER FOR A POPULAR rEBELLION OF IDEAS AND POSITIONS ON THE SYSTEM THAT MUCH IN oppressed and enslaved FOR SO LONG, EVERY TRACK HAS YOUR MESSAGE AND EVERY DETAIL IS NOT THERE MERA BY cOINCIDENCE, FITS ALL. PRA YOU CURTI REAL HIP HOP! AI IS A GOOD BET THAT IS MISSING IN THE LANGUAGE OF CULTURE IN TODAY! LAUNCHED BY MDB'S RECORD, A GERMAN CELO, LAND WHERE WAS BORN A CEITA ILUMINATT. RECORDED IN THE STUDIO AND ARPX H2P, WRITTEN IN BRAZIL, A FORM OF SE FAN INFORMATION FOR ALL TERRESTRIAL GLOBE AGAINST BIG BAD IMPERIALIST - Deriving Rapper of the located 2,área Street in one of the biggest slum quarters of the world, the Rocinha in Rio De Janeiro. Weelf entered rap in the year of a 2001 after incident to which prefers not to mention. One of the biggest revelations of rap national in the last Weelf years comes conquering its space and its music reached the first the most touched places between in specialized programs of radio in Hip - Hop as the voice of the slum quarter, qui itself it injures, 100% hip - hop, CONNECTION BABILONEA, among others. Weelf had its enclosed musics in sonorous tracks as of the set of documents "Me erra '', a production on the noble academy situated art in the Mount of Canta Rooster one another devoid community of Rio De Janeiro, of the DOCUMENTARIO" 10 YEARS OF CEP 2000. It also participated of albums to promote social initiatives that help to the young of the communities carentesHIPHOP In the LINE OF FRONT AGAINST the TOBACCO, HIPHOP ORDERING CLOSED IN SEXUALITY, school OF PEOPLE. Rapper made some presentations opening shows of artists as "the Rappa". pulled the TOGETHER TRAM WITH OTHER MC'S Of BRAZIL FOR COUNTERSIGNATURE ON the MANUFACTURE END and COMMERCE OF WEAPONS In BRAISL, making CAMPAIGN For the "SIM", you vary INITIATIVES TOGETHER ONG "VIVARIO", as ROCINHA Is +, 10 YEARS OF VIVARIO, launching Of IMPRISONED PERIODICAL "ALONE IT"das Of FEMININE PRESIDIO TALAVERA BRUCE. A bigger recognition occurred with the launching of its first video of music "Plant of delinquent" as video already it is in the track is of the band "America Alone". For its proper Weelf definition she is a serious delinquent, it lives in the track and it defends - of the world. Its first intitled album, shovel GANHÁ the SHOVEL LOSES as Transgressive track is na, is part das coletaneas "NATION HIPHOP VL.1, WITHOUT AFFECTION",e now comes working album "IS NOT THUS" the album is indicated for who tans true rap street that shows to the reality without colloquy line. Weelf is involved also in one another project of which is part, the ownership Crime With Reply that is preparing an album that must be launched in briefing and that it promises to shake the structures of the current scene rap. NEW ALBUM " A NOVA ORDEM MARGINAL" CLICK IT ! NOW ! FOTHO BY Matias Maximiliano -

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